Language Arts Relay Race : Parts of Speech
Equipment list
List of sentences for teacher to use during the lesson.
Students line up in colour teams.
To start, the first member of each team runs to the teacher to listen to a sentence. For example, the teacher says “Which is the noun in this sentence?” and then reads, “A banana is yellow”. The runner returns to the team, shares the sentence with the team, and they identify the noun.
The next runner from the team runs back to the teacher and repeats “banana” and waits for a new part of speech from the sentence.
The process repeats for each part of speech.
Participants’ feedback on activity
This activity provides an opportunity for high intensity physical activity for students.
To increase physical activity even more, select a longer distance between where the teams line up, and where the teacher stands.
ASK ID 2024-02-28-034-E