Terms and Conditions

Non-Exclusive Licence Agreement and Recognition

By sharing this physically active learning lesson material to the Nova Scotia Active Smarter Kids Project database, I acknowledge and consent to entering a non-exclusive licence agreement with the NS Active Smarter Kids Project, a project funded by the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, the Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage, and the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, in perpetuity.

This agreement allows me, as a contributor to this database to continue using the content I have contributed here and to licence it to other parties if I desire.

Through this arrangement, the Nova Scotia Active Smarter Kids Project will acquire sub-licencing rights to use the content that I have contributed in the following (but not limited to) applications:

  • Learning activities in professional learning/development seminars

  • Written resources such as project documentation, teaching resources such as instructional pamphlets and books

  • Digital resources such as instructional videos

Staff of the Nova Scotia Active Smarter Kids Project have my express consent to use the material I have contributed without the need to seek my further consent.

I acknowledge that for reasons of privacy, my name will not be listed publicly as the creator of the material I have contributed to this database. However, I acknowledge that staff of the Nova Scotia Active Smarter Kids Project will store my name and email address for the purposes of contacting me with inquires regarding my submission in accordance with any relevant provincial or federal Canadian legislation. 

Staff of the Nova Scotia Active Smarter Kids Project have my consent to recognise me publicly as the creator of the physically active learning lesson content that I have contributed in communication via email and social media platforms.


In cases where I have pulled information from a third-party content creator, I have provided written acknowledgement of the source of that material.

For users of this data base, all users will assume any liability for usage and implementation of lesson plans or similar materials available on this database.  Users are expected to exercise professional discretion in implementing any lesson plans or similar materials.  The Nova Scotia Active Smarter Kids Project shall not be responsible for any resulting injuries or damages from the use of this database.

Photo Consent

In photos that contain images of students, I declare that I have received parental/guardian consent to share the attached photos.