Literary Word Challenge

Equipment list

  • Letter bean bags or wood cookies with 1 letter on each

  • 2 large dice

  • category sheets

  • portable white boards

  • dry erase markers


Students will be arranged in random groups of 3-4. In their groups, students elect a member of the group or pair to be the “creator”.

Facilitator will provide the creator(s) of each group a relevant category based on the texts that they are studying in class ex: Shakespeare’s play titles, themes in The Hobbit, Greek mythology, etc.

Once the group receives their category, they will roll the giant die. The creators will use the numbers combined on the dice to choose a word that contains that many letters and fits the category they were given. Students can re-roll up to 2 times if their numbers are too challenging. The creator(s) will write down their word and keep it to themselves.

The students who are not the creators will run or walk to the letter pile and grab a letter that they think is in the word. After they bring it back to the group, the creator(s) will tell them if it is included in the word or not. Students will discard the beanbag if they do not need it, and keep it if they do. Alternatively, students can use the white board to write down the correct letter and return the beanbag to the pile for others to use. Students will repeat these steps until they have retrieved all of the letters for the word, grabbing one letter at a time.

For an extra challenge, students are only allowed to make 5 mistakes when grabbing letters.

ASK ID 2024-02-28-038-E