ELA Activator: Alliteration Action
Equipment list
Form a circle with all the students. (This can be done indoors or outdoors.)
The teacher begins the activity by saying and demonstrating his or her own alliteration using an action.
For example:
- "Ali Alligator" by making chewing movements with the arms.
- "Surfing Sarah" by acting out surfing with the whole body.
- "Tall Tobi" by rising into the sky.
Encourage students to make exaggerated movements to pronounce their names.
Continue around the circle. Each student will show the alliteration of his or her name, and students will repeat each action and alliteration of their name.
Debriefing suggestion: Ask students to identify the part of speech associated with each alliteration named by the student. Then invite the class to regroup according to the corresponding part of speech (noun, verb, adjective).
ASK ID 2024-02-28-023-E