Mathematics with the 100 - game
Equipment list
Number tiles or bean bags
Large foam dice
Spread the number tiles over a large area (approx. 40 x 40 yards.). Put the pupils in 3 to 6 teams (using colour-coded groups is recommended). Each team gets a dice (either an ordinary one or a large foam one). The teams select the sound (preferably of an animal) they should make in order to signal to their fellow-team members when they have found the right number. The activity begins with each group throwing their dice and running to find the number it shows. When one participant has found it, he or she makes the sound agreed upon to gather the team. The dice either can stay at the same place or be carried by each team. Pupils then throw the dice once again and should add the new number to the previous one. Then they have to run in order to find the total thus obtained, and they carry on until they reach 100. If time allows, the pupils can also use subtraction and go back to zero.
The game can be played starting at 100 and subtracting with every throw of the dice, so that the winning team is the one reaching zero first. Use cones with numbers if number tiles or beanbags are not available.
Participants’ feedback on activity
This activity runs by itself. It is engaging for the pupils and they use the team-calls efficiently in order to get the team together. It is a good idea to spread the number tiles or bean bags over a vast area, so that groups can be large and distances provide intense training.
ASK ID 2024-02-28-043-E