Equipment list
Map (and possibly compass)
Sheet with questions
Pupils run in pairs or in small groups. They get a map of the school compound with marked spots (these must be familiar). Make the pupils set the tasks on the spots beforehand. There is a task at each spot. The teams must find the correct answer and note it down on the sheet corresponding to the spot. When the pupils have done all the tasks, they can check their answers on a key provided by the teacher. If they have a wrong answer, they must find the spot and start again.
For this activity, one can use questions from all subjects and topics. In addition, pupils can learn how to use a compass in orienteering. Teams come and look at a map at a central point; they use their compass in order to find the desired spot. Pupils must look at the map at the central point and find where the spot is located.
Participants’ feedback on activity
The pupils found it funny/interesting to repeat what they had learnt in class while orienteering. Some tried the easy way by answering the question without having to find the spot, since they knew the answer anyway (which is all right), but they quickly realized that they could not give the spot’s number, which meant they were out.
ASK ID 2024-02-28-050-E