Estimating Sums with Dodgeball / Tag

Equipment list

  • Large coloured dice (4)

  • Student worksheets with estimation or front end rounding questions


Randomly chosen groups of students are at the starting point.

Cut-up poems in envelopes are placed a chosen distance away - one cut-up poem per group of students.

When they are ready, pairs of students run down to their group's envelope, choose one line from the poem to bring back to their group. This continues with pairs alternating turns until all of the lines of the poem have been collected.

While various pairs collect parts of the poem, remaining group members begin assembling the poem.

The teacher checks the completed poems and, if time allows, groups switch to try another one.Activity can happen on a field, basketball court, inside etc.

Divide the class into colour teams. One player from each team is in possession of the team’s coloured foam dice. The player has the option to tag a classmate from any team, or throw the foam dice, to try and get them out. If a student is tagged or hit with the foam dice, they have to return to their own team and answer an estimating or front end rounding question. After they answer the question, students are allowed to return to the game.

After 3 minutes, the game is stopped, and all students have to return to their team regardless of whether they have been tagged/hit with a ball, and answer a question. To restart the game, 4 new students become the taggers/throwers.

The activity continues until the student worksheets are completed, or time runs out.

ASK ID 2024-02-28-027-E