Make Ten Relay
Equipment list
Wooden tiles with various representations of numbers 0-10 on them. Think Ten Frames, Tally Marks, Numerals, Dot Arrangments, etc.
Students are placed in teams. Each team has an empty hula hoop. Teams are stationed on the base line of the gym, field, etc.
All tiles are placed face down in a common area, away from the base line. You could place them at the opposite end of the gym, in the tip off circle of the basketball court, etc.
On the start signal, the first student in each group runs to the tiles that have been placed face down and they are allowed to grab 1 tile to take back to their hoop and place face up. When they place their tile in the hoop, the next runner leaves to go gather another tile.
When all of the face down tiles have been gathered and placed in the hoops belonging to teams, the teacher signals the end of the relay. Students then work with their group to find all the possible combinations for ten. The team with the most combinations wins. Combinations are not limited to just two tiles. For instance, a team may decide to combine a 7, 2 and 1 for a total of 10.
This could be done with tiles that had representation of numbers that could be combined to total 100. Pictures of coins could be used to find combinations for $1.00, etc.
Participants’ feedback on activity
The kids LOVED this activity. It got us outside on a chilly day, but we kept warm because we were so active. What a fun way to practice Making Ten!
ASK ID 2024-02-28-040-E